DIY Fold Down Wall Desk

Note: All projects performed following instructions found on this site are done at your own risk. Learn more
(2) 1 x 6 x 8′ Boards
(1) 1 x 2 x 6′ Board
(1) ¾″ X 3′ Square Dowel
(1) 4 x 4′ Sheet ¾” Birch Plywood
¼” Dowels (Optional)
Wood Screws & 1 ¼” Pocket Hole Screws
Birch Edge Banding
Wood Glue
Wood Putty
(3) Full Overlay Hinges
(1) Pair Gas Struts
Wood Stain
Latex Paint
Spray Polyurethane
Pegboard Organizers
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Step 1: Create the Desk Frame

Create your desk frame by attaching your 1 x 6 side pieces to the top and bottom desk pieces. I used dowel joinery, but feel free to use whatever joinery works for you!
Step 2: Add Divider & Shelf

Once the frame has been made, add your divider and shelf pieces using pocket holes and/or nails and glue.
Step 3: Make Pegboard Frame

Build the frame for the pegboard using 1 x 2 boards. Make sure to build it back far enough to fit your hinges. At this point it's also safe to sand & paint your frame!
Step 4: Add Back Supports

Add supports to the back of cabinet using back shelf panel and support panel with pocket holes.
This is how you will attach the desk to the wall by drilling screws through these pieces into studs later.
Make sure to pre-paint them before attaching (I used chalkboard paint)!
Step 5: Prep & Fit Front Panel

Cut and attach front panel and add edge banding to the plywood edges.
Step 6: Create Artwork

At this point you can customize this panel with any artwork you’d like! I created mine using painter’s tape and different shades of latex paint!
Step 7: Attach Front Panel

Attach front panel to desk with hinges & add pistons. You can also add the decorative 3/4″ square dowels to the bottom shelf. Make sure they are far back enough for hinges and pistons to fit.
Step 8: Hang Desk

Hang the desk on the wall before attaching the pegboard. It’s super important you install the desk into as many studs as possible.
Step 9: Attach Pegboard

Cut and attach pegboard to desk.
Step 10: Get to Work!

That's it! I chose to hang my desk at arm chair level to pair it with a cute, modern accent chair that I could pull over from the other side of the room!